Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a program that humanely reduces the feral cat population and benefits both the cats and the community.
Notice : we currently have limited spaces in our TNR program. Approval of an application is dependant on volunteer availability and the applicant’s participation in the process. Due to the volume of requests, we may not be able to respond to every application. As an alternative, you may want to visit the Humane Society of Stratford Perth’s TNR program page or contact East Village Animal Hospital (EVAH) to inquire about their spay/neuter services for barn cats. EVAH has clinics in London, Kitchener and Hamilton.
Scroll down for TNR Application Form.
Entire colonies of stray and feral cats are humanely trapped. Those cats too unsocialized to be adopted are spayed / neutered and vaccinated against disease by veterinarians, and then returned to their outdoor homes to live out their lives under the watchful eye of volunteer caregivers. In this way breeding and its accompanying nuisance behaviours such as spraying, yowling and fighting stop, and the population of each colony reduces over time.
In cases where cats or kittens are found to be friendly & adoptable, not feral, they may be taken into our Foster & Adoption Program depending on the availability of foster home space.
Our TNR program is also available for barn cats in our catchment area.If you are caring for feral or barn cats that need to be spayed / neutered, or are interested in volunteering to help Feline Friends with our TNR program, please contact us.